- Administration
The GAEC Secretariat is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Commission and is headed by the Director-General who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission. The Director-General is assisted by a Deputy who has been delegated oversight responsibility of all Scientific and Technical matters of the Commission.
There is an Executive Committee made up of the Director-General, Deputy Director-General, Directors of Institutes, Administration, Finance, Head of Audit and Deputy Directors from the Institutes.
The Executive Committee serves as the main advisory organ for the Director-General to deliberate on matters such as –
- new initiatives
- formulation of new policies
- important institutional matters needing in-depth consideration
- implementation of decisions and policies made by the Commission
The scientific and technical functions of GAEC are performed by four (4) research institutes and the Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS).
- Institutions
- National Nuclear Research Institute (NNRI)
- Radiation Protection Institute (RPI)
- Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI)
- Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI)
The four (4) institutes have their respective secretariats each headed by a Director who performs the day-to-day administration and also coordinates the scientific activities of the institutes. Each institute is under a Management Board, which ensures that research and development programmes pursued are in line with the broad objectives of the Commission.
The functions of the Commission are carried out by the Director-General with the assistance of the Deputy Director-General. The day to day running of the Commission is supported by key Directors such as the Director of Administration, the Director of Finance, and other heads within the Administration framework.
The Director-General, with the assistance of the Directors of Institutes oversees the smooth running of the Commission with administration playing a major role in the coordination, planning, and the organisation of the affairs of the technical institutes namely, National Nuclear research Institute (NNRI), Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI), Radiation Protection Institutes (RPI), Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI) and the Graduate School of Nuclear and Allied Sciences (SNAS).